
Kheer Bhawani Temple, Srinagar

The Goddess Mata Ragnya Devi is symbolised as a sacred spring at Tula Mula village, near (27 kms) Srinagar, Kashmir in J&K India. The spring of Kheer Bhawani is quite large and has always been held in veneration by the Brahman population of Srinagar.
The Temple, dedicated to the Goddess Mata Kheer Bhawani (originally Bhawani Mata), has been constructed over a Sacred Spring. Within the spring is a marble Temple. The Temple-Spring complex is affectionately known as Kheer Bhawani as thousands of devotees offer milk and 'kheer' to the Sacred Spring.
Mela Kheer Bhawani - An Annual Festival: The devotees of the Goddess Mata Kheer Bhawani fast and gather here on the eighth day of the full moon in the month of May/ June when, according to belief, the Goddess changes the colour of the spring's waters, which are ascribed to different manifestations of the Goddess Mata Kheer Bhawani. Turning of the colour into shades of black is supposed to signal approaching disaster.

Mata Kheer Bhawani Peeth at Jammu is managed by "Ardh Ratri Maha Ragheneya Sewa Sanstha Trust"

Ardh Ratri Shri Maha Ragheneya Sewa Sanstha is a body which has been in active service of the Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir for the last sixty years. It is a non-political body and shall remain as such in future also. It was initially headed by Swami Shri Chuni Lal Jee Maharaj an enlightened soul.

 The historic temple of KSHEER BHAWANI at Tullamulla village was built by Maharaja Partap Singh in the year 1912. Later Maharaja Hari Singh renovated it. Surrounded by streams, the place abound in Chinar trees in and around the temple complex within which is a Hexagonal Spring wherein Diety of Goddess Regheneya is decorated and housed in a small white marble temple.

The legend goes that Ravana worshipped Mother Regheneya as Goddess Shyama, who showered Her blessings on his Kingdom. The Goddess thus resided in SHRI LANKA. Later due to Ravans misdeeds, the Goddess cursed him and ordered Hanuman Ji to take her to SATISAR (KASHMIR) the place cut off from the outside by snow clad mountains. The Mother on her vehicle along with 300 Naags was installed at Shadipura. The Mother preferred milk, sugar and all vegetarian forms of offerings.

A Kashmiri Pandit Shri Krishen Joo by name saw a vision in which he was informed by an Angel that he should engage a boat to Shadipura and from there a Serpent would guide him to the pious Spring. He did as he was directed and led by a Serpent reached the Spring where the snake disappeared. It is said that from the Spring, he found a Shloka (verse) describing the Goddess.
The main Spring of Goddess Shri KSHEER BHAWANI JI is an irregular septagonal shape with Apex called PAAD (feet) to the east and the opposite side called SHAER (head). It has an island in the centre where mulberry tree grew. The Idols (murties) which are housed in the temple have been taken out from this very Spring. The water of the Spring changes its colour from time to time. The colours are usually found to be red, light green, lemon yellow, milky white, grey etc.. There is no definite time for its change of colour. A shade of black colour is supposed to be inauspicious. There are bubbles arising out of the water of the spring and forming different shapes and chakras (mystic symbols). The devotees are not supposed to take any non-vegetarian foods before visiting the Holy Shrine.
The Holy Spring was discovered on Ashad Saptami (seventh day of bright fortnight in the month of Ashad), the day on which the sun occupies its highest position in the heavens.

 Ardh Ratri Shri Maha Ragheneya Sewa Sanstha is a body which has been in active service of the Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir for the last sixty years. It is a non-political body and shall remain as such in future also. It was initially headed by Swami Shri Chuni Lal Jee Maharaj an enlightened soul. After his Samadhi, it was guided by Swami Niranjan Nath Safaya Maharaj who latter, on Phalgun Ashtami, 87 declared in the mid-night of Ashtami-Navmi during Pooja in the open hall of Shri Ksheer Bhawani Shrine, Tullamulla that Shri A. D. Veshin who was a member of the Sanstha would guide the Sanstha henceforth. As was destined, Swami Niranjan Nath Safaya expired within one month after his declaration and Shri A. D. Veshin took the reins of the Sanstha as Pradhan till the year 2009. It was, therefore, evident that “Pradhan” the leading light of the Sanstha, was nominated by the last declaration of the outgoing Pradhan and not by any selection or election upto the year 2009. In the year 2009, for smooth functioning of the Sanstha and the Trust, the Constitution of the Sanstha was amended.

 This Sanstha used to serve a hot cup of tea (Kehwa) to devotees of Mata Ragheneya Bhagwati after they had a dip in the pious, ice cold water of the rivurlet encircling the Shrine Complex at Tullamulla. Members of the Sanstha used to sit for prayers in the open hall of the Shrine in front of the pious “Amrit Kund” on Ashtami-Navmi nights. Every year one “Varshik Hawan” and one “Sampath” was celebrated by the Sanstha in which thousands of devotees used to participate and take blessings of the"Mother”.

After unfortunate migration of the community from the Valley, some of the members who stayed at Jammu and were in constant touch with each other, felt a need and desire to revive the Pooja of Ashtami-Navmi nights. Shri Prithvi Nath Ji Raina father of Shri P. L. Raina an active member of the Sanstha who had constructed his house at Gangyal, willingly offered the place for Pooja and Hawan. This continued for 3 years after which it was felt by the members to have its own Pooja Sathal in Jammu. After much striving, a place in Bhawani Nagar, Janipora was selected for this purpose. Though the site was a mountainous terrain but some spiritually elevated souls had a vision of the presence of the Divine Force at this site which was later on substantiated by many a devotees also who had a vision of the Mother’s presence at this site in their dreams. The site was acquired from the landlord after negotiations and payment of Rs. 40,000/- as cost of the land. The Sanstha had only Rs. 14,000/- in hand which it had got transferred from Kashmir Bank Account, rest of money required for purchasing the land was made available by the members of the Sanstha by contributions/loans.

After purchase of the land the members of the Sanstha raised funds by contributions, donations and loans for construction and erection of the Peeth on the same pattern as at Tullamulla, Kashmir. “Bhoomi-Puja” was performed on 20th February, 1993 by his holiness Rughnath Kokiloo Jee and since then the construction work is going on. The Sanstha is registered as a Trust under the name and title “Ardh Ratri Maha Ragheneya Sewa Sanstha Trust”.

The objectiives for which this trust has been set up are :

·         To strive for making the Asthapan of Mata Khir Bhawani a “Sidhpeeth”, a spiritually charged peeth for the devotees of Mata Khir Bahwani at Jammu like the one we have at Tullamulla, Kashmir.
·         To create spiritual awakening among the devotees of Mata Khir Bhawani and cultivate liking for, and to promote interest in the philosophy of Sanatan Dharma.

Functions of Sanastha :

1.     To generate spiritual awakening by conducting regular Poojas, Hawans, Satsangs, Sampats and religious discourses of spiritually emancipated souls.
2.    To maintain an upto-date library books on works of Hindu religion, philosophy, culture and spiritual subjects.
3.    To print, publish and distribute books, booklets, pamphlets and magazines on Hindu philosophy and on allied subjects.
4.    To nominate delegates, advisors to represent the Sanastha in councils, commissions, boards and committees for upliftment of Hindu religion.
5.    To keep in touch with sister religious concerns.
6.    To borrow or raise funds required for the development of the holy shrine.
7.    To accept donations, subsidies, grants and other help from centre or state government or any other local person or public without any condition.
8.    To open bank accounts and to draw, make, accept, endorse cheques and promissory notes for and on behalf of and in the name of the Sanastha.
9.    To undertake and conduct philanthropic activities such as helping widows, orphans, destitutes, sicks, infirms, poor, needy and deserving people by creating a separate fund for this purpose.
10. To open any institute on the name of Shri Maha Regeneya under the management of Ardh Ratri Shri Maha Regeneya Sewa Sanastha Trust. Institutes such as ladies institute for dress making, higher secondary schools, health centres, polyclinics, hospitals, engineering and medical colleges etc.

1.     The Sanastha shall manage daily morning and evening Poojas and provide the required Pooja Samgri for this purpose.
2.    The Sanastha shall make all necessary arrangements for enabling devotees of Mata Khir Bhawani to offer their Pooja at the Amrit Kund on all Suklapaksh Ashtamis.
3.    The Sanastha shall arrange to perform Namavali of Maha-Regeneya in early hours of each Ashtami and provide the materials required for it.
4.    The Sanastha shall arrange the traditional Pooja to be performed during the night of Ashtami-Novmi and make necessary arrangement for stay of the devotees for the Pooja during night.
5.    The Sanastha shall arrange Pooja to be performed during night of second Saturday after Ashtami for Mata Shri Bhawnishori.
6.    The Sanastha shall manage traditional Poojas on all the days of Navratras and make suitable arrangements for Jal-Pravah of the Nav-Durga Bhagwati.
7.    The Sanastha shall manage the Poojas on all the days of Ram-Navmi Pooja days and make suitable arrangements for Jal-Pravah of the Nav-Durga Bhagwati on the final day.
8.    The Sanastha shall make arrangement for performing a Hawan on Vyeth-Truvah (Bhadoon Shuklapaksh Triyodashi) and serve a meal as Naveed to the devotees who participate in the Hawan but invitations for participation shall not be extended formally to anyone except by notifying in the Annual Programme (Calender etc.).
9.    The Sanastha shall make arrangements for and perform annual Hawan on Ashad Shuklapaksh Ashtami. The announcement of the Hawan shall be made by the Management through Press and other available media. All devotees of the Mother shall be invited to participate and have Naveed (meals) at the conclusion of the Hawan. Elaborate arrangements shall be made by the Sanastha for convenience of the devotees as far as possible. Invitations to sister organizations and VIP’s as shall be decided by the Managing Committee from time to time shall be extended in writing. The Naveed shall comprise of a simple rice meal with Daal and one Vegetable (Potato) unless decided otherwise by the Managing Committee. Decision of the Managing Committee in this regard shall be final.
10. In order to make the celebrations of Jeshth Ashtami popularly known as “Mela Khir Bhawani and Ashadh Ashtami the Annual Hawan at the Peeth a success, the Pradhan shall call and hold meetings of the Managing Committee of the Sanastha first at least one month before the festival wherein arrangements shall be proposed/finalized. Necessary sub-committees for specific works shall be framed and announced. The sub-committees thus formed shall remain responsible for their allotted work. Each Sewak, Sahayak, Sadasya involved in the management of the festivals shall be informed by easiest direct or indirect means about his assignment and responsibilities at least fifteen days before the function. Final meeting of all the involved members shall be called and held by the Pradhan at least three days before the function and situation about preparations reviewed and suitable action wherever required taken.
11.  No outsider agency other than Govt. Public Utility Deptts. like Municipality, Public Health Engg., Health Services, Law & Order Agency (Security) shall be allowed to render any voluntary/organized/individual service within the premises. All rights with regard to managing affairs, providing services and holding of Samuhik (organized) Pooja within the premises of the Peeth rest with the Sanastha only.
12. All Samohik Pujas/Artis shall be lead by a Sewak only nominated by the Pradhan and in all Hawans performed on behalf of the Sanastha. Aahoti shall be offered by a Sewak of the Sanastha only under all circumstances, even if the entire Hawan is performed on costs contributed by general public or any individual.
13. The Sanastha shall make arrangements for and bear the cost of any   Pooja/Hawan/Sampat which shall be suggested by a 2/3 verdict of the Managing Committee and approved by the Pradhan.

1.     The Shrine is open to all castes of people for meditation provided the meditator abides by rules and regulations of the Sanastha. Management of the Sanastha reserves the right to deal with violator of the code of conduct in suitable way including fishing him out of the premises and/or handing him over to the law enforcing agencies.
2.    Meat, Eggs, Fish, Tomato, Onion or any kind of non-vegetarian eatables can neither be cooked nor consumed within the Shrine Complex.
3.    No toxic drinks hot or cold, drugs can be used within the premises.
4.    Devi-Angan is purely meant for Puja and Meditation and nothing can either be cooked or consumed (eaten) in Devi-Angan.
5.    The Shrine complex shall be open for following functions of the public to be celebrated within the Hindu Codes :
1.     Hawan.
2.    Kirtan.
3.    Mundan.
4.    Yagneopavit.
5.    Sampath.
6.    Get-together with regard to marriages.

For all the above functions, the party shall have to apply for booking in advance and pay a refundable Security Deposit. Facilities whatever available shall be extended to the party and decision of the Sewak Incharge shall be final. No party can book it when it is to be used by the Sanastha itself on important festivals.

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